
the envelope speaks when I, when you remove the seal chances are remote one can remodel the world oft, the cawing crow predicts the end is near do we remain sheeple or plan to be a wolf? Reena’s Xploration Challenge #281 Three Things Challenge REMOVEREMOTEREMODEL Twiglet #326 to be a wolf -Eugi Copyright © 2023 MoonwashedMusings@amanpan.blog […]


Breathe~ A thought

Everyone do a simple exercise with me. *Breathe in* *Breathe out* *Breathe in* *Breathe out* Now, just imagine. While you were doing this exercise, someone took their last breath and someone took their first. I find this entire world mind boggling! • Check out my new book- Sun On My Hands! https://wp.me/p5gmIC-1a7 • Copyright ©Devika […]

Breathe~ A thought

Row your boat

At night the body of clouds advancing higher up the sky smothers the whole quiet gulf below with an impenetrable darkness, in which the sound of the falling showers can be heard beginning and ceasing abruptly—now here, now there. Indeed, these cloudy nights are proverbial with the seamen along the whole west coast of a great continent. Sky, land, and sea disappear together out of the world when the Placido—as the saying is—goes to sleep under its black poncho.

The few stars left below the seaward frown of the vault shine feebly as into the mouth of a black cavern. In its vastness your ship floats unseen under your feet, her sails flutter invisible above your head. The eye of God Himself—they add with grim profanity—could not find out what work a man’s hand is doing in there; and you would be free to call the devil to your aid with impunity if even his malice were not defeated by such a blind darkness.

Gently down the stream

The dawn breaks high behind the towering and serrated wall of the Cordillera, a clear-cut vision of dark peaks rearing their steep slopes on a lofty pedestal of forest rising from the very edge of the shore. Amongst them the white head of Higuerota rises majestically upon the blue. Bare clusters of enormous rocks sprinkle with tiny black dots the smooth dome of snow.